No Roles Barred
Written by Andrew Pichot
* - Not the first night
You start knowing 3 players, 1 and only 1 of which is evil.
You do not know what you ability is. Each day, privately guess what it is: you learn how accurate you are.
Bounty Hunter
You start knowing 1 evil player. If the player you know dies, you learn another evil player tonight. [1 Townsfolk is evil]
Once per game, during the day, privately ask the Storyteller any yes/no question
You start knowing 1 in-play Townsfolk. If you were mad that you were this character, you gain their ability when they die.
Once per game, at night, choose a good character: gain that ability. If this character is in play, they are drunk.
Each night, you learn how many of your 2 alive neighbors are evil.
Once per game, at night, choose a living player: the Damsel, if chosen, becomes a not-in-play Townsfolk. [+ the Damsel]
Snake Charmer
Each night, choose an alive player: a chosen Demon swaps characters & alignments with you & is then poisoned.
You have a not-in-play Minion ability.
Each night, you learn a player of a different character type than last night. [+0 or +1 Outsider]
Poppy Grower
Minions & Demons do not know each other. If you die, they learn who each other are that night.
Each day, you may make a public statement. Tonight, if it was true, a player dies.
Each night, the 1st player to choose you with their ability is drunk until dusk. You become their alignment.
All Minions know a Damsel is in play. If a Minion publicly guesses you (once), your team loses.
If you are "mad" about being an Outsider, you might be executed.
You do not know that you are the Drunk. You think you are a Townsfolk character, but you are not.
You start knowing which Outsiders are in play. If 1 died today, choose a player tonight: they die. [-1 or +1 Outsider]
If you publicly claim to be the Goblin when nominated & are executed that day, your team wins.
Each night, choose a player: they are poisoned tonight and tomorrow day.
If you are executed, all but 3 players die. After a 10 to 1 countdown, the player with the most players pointing at them, dies.
Each night, choose a player: If you nominate & execute them, their team loses. All players know if you choose a new player.
Lil' Monsta
Each night, Minions choose who babysits Lil' Monsta & "is the Demon". Each night*, a player might die. [+1 Minion]
Each night*, a player might die. Executions fail if only evil voted. You register as a Minion too. [Most players are Legion]
Each night*, choose a player: they die: Townsfolk abilities yield false info. Each day, if no-one is executed, evil wins.
- Use the Djinn's special rule. All players know what it is.
Bounty Hunter
: If the Philosopher gains the Bounty Hunter ability, a Townsfolk might turn evil.
Lil' Monsta
Poppy Grower
: If the Poppy Grower is in play, MInions don't wake together. They are woken one by one, until one of them chooses to take the Lil' Monsta token.