Blood on the Clocktower


Written by Scuba Steve

* - Not the first night

You start knowing 3 players, 1 and only 1 of which is evil.
You do not know what you ability is. Each day, privately guess what it is: you learn how accurate you are.
Bounty Hunter
You start knowing 1 evil player. If the player you know dies, you learn another evil player tonight. [1 Townsfolk is evil]
Once per game, during the day, publicly choose a player: if they are the Demon, they die.
Snake Charmer
Each night, choose an alive player: a chosen Demon swaps characters & alignments with you & is then poisoned.
You have a Minion ability. When using this, the Storyteller may prompt you to choose differently.
Cult Leader
Each night, you become the alignment of an alive neighbor. If all good players choose to join your cult, your team wins.
Poppy Grower
Minions & Demons do not know each other. If you die, they learn who each other are that night.
Each night*, choose a player & guess their character: if you guess wrong, you die.
The 1st time you are nominated, if the nominator is a Townsfolk, they are executed immediately.
Each night*, choose an alive player. If good, they die & the Demon doesn’t kill tonight. One good player registers as evil.
You have the ability of the most recently killed executee. If they are evil, you are poisoned until a good player dies by execution.
Each day, you may make a public statement. Tonight, if it was true, a player dies.

You might die at any time.
You may only nominate once per game. When you do, if the nominee is not the Demon, they die.
When you learn that you died, publicly choose 1 alive player: if they are evil, your team loses.
When you learn that you died, publicly choose 1 alive player. Tonight, if it was a good player, they die.

Each night, choose a player: If you nominate & execute them, their team loses. All players know if you choose a new player.
Once per game, at night*, choose a player: they die, even if for some reason they could not.
Each day, before nominations, you may publicly choose a player: they die. If executed, you only die if you lose roshambo.
If you are executed, all but 3 players die. After a 10 to 1 countdown, the player with the most players pointing at them, dies.

Each night*, choose 2 players: they die. A dead player you chose last night might be regurgitated.
Each night*, you may choose 3 players (all players learn who): each silently chooses to live or die, but if all live, all die.
Each night*, you may choose a player: they die. If your last choice was no-one, choose 3 players tonight.
On day 3, Minions become Riot & nominees die but nominate an alive player immediately. This must happen.

Doomsayer - If 4 or more players live, each living player may publicly choose (once per game) that a player of their own alignment dies.
Sentinel - There might be 1 extra or 1 fewer Outsider in play.
Storm Catcher - Name a good character. If in play, they can only die by execution, but evil players learn which player it is.
Djinn - Use the Djinn's special rule. All players know what it is.

Cannibal - Poppy Grower : If the Cannibal eats the Poppy Grower, then dies or loses the Poppy Grower ability, the Demon and Minions learn each other that night.